I know this email sounds like I just got a secret second job as a viral marketing wonk, but really I'm just very excited!I'd like to begin this post by seconding said disclaimer.
That said, I'd also like to proclaim, publicly, that not since my discovery of Rate Your Music—nay, not since the heyday of Napster itself—have I been this head-over-heels, feel-like-a-schoolboy-again, love-love-me-do IN LOVE with a music website!
What so great? In brief, Lala allows you to build a personalized online collection of "web songs" that can be streamed (i.e., listened to online) from any computer an unlimited number of times. Web songs can be added in two ways: 1st, all songs from your computer's preexisting digital collection can be uploaded for free; and 2nd, other songs (chosen from Lala's database of over 6 million tracks) can be added to your web collection for a mere 10 cents (note: creating an account allows you to add 50 such tracks for free).
Lest I get too carried away, though, I should mention that Lala is not perfect. For instance:
- It doesn't have licensed access to all artists' catalogs (The Beatles are a key example), although "unlicensed" songs can still be uploaded to your private web collection if you already "own" them on your computer.
- The process of uploading your preexisting digital collection (via Lala's Music Mover software) can be quite slow, although it eventually gets the job done.
- Songs (and albums) not in your collection can be listened to once, in their entirety, for free. This feature allowed me, for instance, to determine that Skylarking by XTC—an album that used to be on my wishlist despite having never heard it—is not something I actually need to own.
- Web songs purchased for 10 cents can later be upgraded to downloadable iPod-friendly MP3s for a price comparable to iTunes.
- Lala includes a social networking component—an iTunes/Facebook lovechild of sorts—that allows you to "follow" what your friends are listening to, send them instantaneous song recommendations, and promote up to four "songs you think others should listen to" via your own personal "Music Forecast"
- What's more, said Music Forecast can be embedded on your MySpace or Facebook page—and, yes, on your blog as well (see the right side of Mic's Tape; clicking on the play button next to each song will play it for free)