That said, I must admit to being at least mildly impressed by a recent ad for their French Dip Thickburger. Granted, it's not the ad itself that impresses me, but rather that Hardee's chose to hitch this particular ad campaign to the slogan: "It's better when it's French". To do so a mere six years after a significant percentage of the US population seemed to consider ordering "French Fries" (instead of "Freedom Fries") tantamount to a minor act of treason has to be considered a bit of gamble on Hardee's part, and I can't help but tip my beret to such a display of guts.
It is better when it's French

Of course, the Frenchman in question is none other than my culinary hero, Jacques Pépin. To respond to Axe's question, my answer is a simple yet emphatic "Oui!" In other words, you do want to learn the art of guacamole—or, as I like to call it, "Jacquamole"—from Monsieur Pépin. The simple recipe (found in his book "Fast Food My Way") is as follows:
Mix 2 ripe avocados (crushed coarsely with a fork), ½ cup diced tomatoes (including seeds/juice), 1/4 cup finely chopped onions (put in a colander and rinsed under cold water), 1½ teaspoons finely chopped garlic, 3 tablespoons minced scallion (i.e., green onions), 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro, 1½ tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and ¾ teaspoon salt. Finally, if you like a little spice, add 2 tablespoons minced chile pepper and ½ teaspoon Tabasco Green Pepper sauce.Toss this in a bowl, add some tortilla chips, and enjoy!